
Why WeApply4U Works?

WeApply4U is the world’s leading job application service that helps job seekers find jobs by marketing them to 1000’s of employers. We do this by “DIRECTLY” applying to the companies that would hire candidates with your background. We send a custom cover letter and resume and send it to 1000+ companies from your own email address (new joint email account) within 4-5 days.

Our service is a marketing platform that enables 1000’s of organizations in your field to get your application directly from you. This allows decision makers to view your profile directly and not through the eyes of HR Managers and various Recruiters. In this market, the challenge is to find companies that are hiring. Our goal is to get you in front and be considered for those positions. Getting in front of the hiring manager first and fast is the key to opening the door to employers that are hiring.

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WeApply4U offers its users access to one of the world’s largest sector based database. A collection of companies that includes large mid sized and smaller companies. Open your career doors to thousands of companies that are leaders in their own field and connect with the “HIDDEN JOB MARKET”. We offer over 100 sector based packages that will focus your job search to the right companies.

The key to our success lies around 9 years of research and networking in order to build a superior database of companies in each sector called “INDUSTRYFOCUS”. These databases are continuously updated by various key team members. We not only apply to large companies but also to mid-sized and smaller companies where new jobs are being created. Not only do we apply to companies in your related field but also to adjacent industries that supply to that sector.

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How WeApply4U Works

We offer 1000 or 2000 resume packages where we send your resume and customized cover letter to 1000+ companies in your field of experience and education in 4-5 days. In a few easy steps, you’ll be well on your way to marketing yourself to industry decision makers.

  1. Register and send us your cover letter and resume
  2. We will recommend changes to your resume in order to focus them towards the industry you are applying to
  3. We create a joint email account and start sending your resumes. Each resume is sent with a custom cover letter as if you applied directly yourself
  4. Once the application process is complete, you can follow up with 100’s of potential employers in your field

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